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    30 Reasons To Buy An Electric Car … Today!

    My increasingly good friend Paul Fosse wrote an article yesterday giving 5 reasons to buy a Tesla before July 1.

    At the end of the article, he linked to a 2016 article of mine that I had forgotten about. It’s a simple listicle but it’s actually one of my favorite articles.

    So, thanks to Paul, I’m reposting it today. In 2016, it was titled, “30 Reasons Your Next Car Should Be Electric.” At this point in time, I think it’s more appropriate to say that you should buy that car today, not wait any longer. Hopefully you’ll agree after reading through this list.

    I’ll let you in on a little secret: we’re electric car fans here on CleanTechnica. I know, you’d never know it if I didn’t tell you. Somehow, though, we’ve never written an article on the many reasons your next car should be electric. So, here’s a piece on 30 reasons that come to my mind.

    1. It’ll save you time.

    Yes, despite the hype about charging times, there’s a good chance that driving electric will save you time. Imagine it like this: You have a gas station at your house. When you get home, you stick the nozzle in the car and go inside to have dinner, play with your kids, chill out on the couch, work on something, play video games, knit, go to sleep, or whatever. When you leave the next day, you just take the nozzle out.

    This is life with an EV, except you don’t have to worry about the effects toxic gasoline will have on your family, you don’t have annoying puddles of gasoline accumulating on your driveway, you don’t have to worry about your house exploding if grandma lights up a cigarette and drops it in the wrong spot, and you’ll probably just charge every 2–3 days since charging every day is seldom necessary.

    If you have charging stations at work, home + work charging will probably cover ~97% of your charging needs. If it turns out you have no option to charge at home or work, there are still plenty of productive and recreational things to do while charging in public, and it still just takes a few seconds to plug in and unplug.

    You charge your computer, telephone, and tablet at home, right? Would you prefer they ran on gasoline and lasted 1–3 weeks between fill-ups but you had to take them to a gas station every 1–3 weeks? I didn’t think so.

    2. Electric cars are freakin’ fun.

    New technology can’t just be “meh, it’s as good as the old stuff.” If it is to burst through the bubble of human inertia, it’s got to be better. Electric cars definitely are better. Yes, you have to pay >$100,000 to get a 5–7 seat Tesla Model S P100D that smokes almost every other car in history to 60 mph, but even a low-cost electric car like a used Nissan LEAF or Fiat 500e is fun to drive thanks to instant torque and the effortless, nearly silent, super efficient power of electric motors.

    You have to experience this to understand it, and most auto manufacturers aren’t even trying to tell you about it (since most of them don’t actually want to sell you electric cars), but once you experience it, you’ll see the light.

    3. Easier merging into traffic.

    Granted, not everyone likes to have that kind of fun. Heck, some people don’t seem to like having fun at all! Quick acceleration only makes 90% of people smile (a fact I just pulled out of the air). But the instant torque makes driving much nicer and less stressful in other ways. Since you have essentially all of the car’s power ready at a moment’s notice, you can much more easily get onto a highway and merge into traffic, get into a roundabout, or leave a red light — all thanks to this magic power of EVs. It’ll genuinely ease your nerves and make driving more enjoyable, or at least less unenjoyable.

    4. The smooth & silent drive is surreal.

    What does driver after driver and passenger after passenger rave about after testing out an electric car?

    If not the instant torque, it’s the smooth and silent drive. In fact, this often comes first. Naturally, people freakin’ love a smooth and quiet ride.

    The rumbling explosions of a gasoline engine and all the crazy mechanisms that are in place to make that engine work and not harm you are, surprisingly, not that enjoyable to most of us. But we don’t realize how much nicer life can be until we drive an electric car instead.

    “It’s so quiet! Is it really on? Oh my gosh, we’re driving?! It’s so quiet! That’s so nice.”

    (Granted, some people find it disconcerting at first, but basically in the way that you find it a bit disconcerting when your vacation starts and you don’t have to do a million things at work — not that I can really remember what that’s like.)

    5. Societal collapse isn’t cool.

    This should be #1, but since our priorities are often totally screwed up, I postponed stating the obvious:

    Society is totally, ridiculously, superbly, insanely screwed if we don’t electrify transport and switch to clean electricity ASAP.

    Like, ASAP — not in 5–10 years, not by 2050, but right freakin’ now. Or we can just let society collapse and order up an onslaught of climate wars. Whatever.

    6. Your lungs & heart are undervalued.

    One crazy thing about us humans is that we’ll put up with all kinds of nonsense if we’re used to it. This apparently even includes premature death, premature death that we could avoid if we simply had a little foresight and concern for our collective good.

    A recent World Health Organization (WHO) report found that air pollution causes 3 million premature deaths a year worldwide. This includes various types of air pollution, but it’s obvious that air pollution from gasoline and diesel vehicles is a huge culprit here.

    “Air pollution from road transport costs OECD countries approximately $1 trillion a year in negative health effects (cancer, premature death, asthma, heart attacks, etc.),” as I noted in another article. $1 trillion ain’t pocket change — and there’s suffering that goes along with it.

    Let’s be frank:

    If a terrorist organization was causing 3 million deaths a year or $1 trillion a year in health damage, you’d be flippin’ your freakin’ shit about it. You, your neighbor, your neighbor’s dog, even your neighbor’s little yellow fish — they would be up in arms and media networks would be in full crisis mode.

    Ah, but it’s not terrorists — it’s just us, and the air pollution we create. Mmkay, move along now.

    7. You want the safest car in the world, right?

    Oh, you care about your family and your own life? You want the car that’ll best protect you if you get slammed by a GMC Yukon? Sort of weird, but hey, that’s cool. Since that’s the case, you probably want the car that got a 5.4 out of 5 rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) — essentially putting every other car on the road to shame for how much worse they protect their passengers (and people around the car). If you’ve somehow missed this amazing news: that car is the Tesla Model S. (Update: The Tesla Model 3 got an even better rating!)

    8. Not into cars but still into safety?​

    Oh, you’re set on getting a really big vehicle that can seat William and Elizabeth Robinson’s family plus a bunch of luggage? You want the safest SUV? No worries, just change that “S” to an “X” (and try to not get distracted putting any other letters in between) and you’re set. Seriously, watch the presentation from the Model X launch. (Yes, the 3 vehicles with the best safety ratings ever are actually the Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model S, and Tesla Model X!)
    By the way, included in safety is the fact that Tesla’s vehicles have the best autonomous driving tech on the market. That can make your drive much safer and much more relaxing — bonus points!

    9. Who loves exporting $$$ for oil?

    This is a topic for another day — I’m planning to write a full new article on this — but until then, let me just point out that the USA imports ~8 million barrels of oil a day, from a bunch of countries that probably wouldn’t otherwise (or still don’t) consider us a friend. The European Union imports ~12 million barrels of oil a day, sending ~€1 billion out of Europe 365¼ times per year. Sure would be nice to keep that money at home, wouldn’t it?
    [Update: here’s the article on economic benefits of electric cars.]

    Image by Nissan Europe

    10. Who wants to send more $$$ to US oil billionaires?

    Of course, when not sending cash money to Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iraq, and other oil-rich countries, we’re probably sending it to US oil billionaires so they can tell us how a trickle-down economy “works” … while they stash more cash than they can keep track of in bank accounts in the Cayman Islands.

    11. You can boost your local economy (#winning).

    Sending that money to community solar farms, local wind power plants, or the owner of your rooftop solar panels (who I hope is you), you can keep more money circulating among non-billionaires* in your local economy and maybe even in your home. (*Apologies — or maybe no apologies needed — if you’re a billionaire and are reading this. However, definitely no apologies if you are having a servant read it to you.)

    12. Your car will get better over time.

    Again, this is specifically if you choose to buy a Tesla. The Silicon Valley company will make sure your car becomes better (in some ways) as it ages. Confused? The thing is, Tesla is continuously improving its vehicles via over-the-air software updates. You can wake up in the morning and all of a sudden your car can do something cool, like park itself. That’s just fun.

    13. You could save more cash money.

    Depending on circumstances regarding how much you drive, the cost of gas along your routes, the cost of electricity for charging, the cost of maintenance (or lack thereof), government and utility incentives, and maybe the value of your time, you may make out saving more money with an electric car than with a “comparably equipped” gasoline car. If you go for a used EV, the chance of saving a boatload of money is even greater.

    14. Heck, you may even make more money on your car by sharing it than you’ll spend to buy it!

    Shit is about to get really crazy. Self-driving Tesla cars are coming soon (note: all Tesla cars are produced with full self-driving hardware). That means your car could act as your own personal driver by day and a robotaxi by night (or whenever you aren’t using it), which could actually make you more money than the car costs you!

    15. All the cool kids are going electric.

    Going electric is now the cool thing to do. Akon, Steph Curry, Oprah, Ben Affleck, Don Cheadle, James Cameron, Cameron Diaz, Beyonce & Jay Z, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Kiedas, Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Steven Spielberg, and a bunch of other celebrities now drive Teslas. I wonder why.

    As Akon told me in January, he actually had 28 fancy cars and dropped all of them except 4 Teslas — they’re just that much better. You should really watch the video to get Akon’s exact words and emotions.

    16. Did I mention tens of thousands of species?

    It’s not just about the people, though — it’s also about the animals. We’ve initiated the world’s 5th mass extinction, and it’s only going to heat up if we don’t electrify transport, use clean electricity, stop deforestation, and stop mindlessly treating horns and bones as medicine.

    17. You can seriously, honestly, (sort of) drive on sunlight.

    If you stick solar panels on your roof, you can capture sunlight, turn it into electricity, and power your spaceship-like car with that electricity. You’re basically driving on sunlight. Is that ridiculously cool or what?

    18. Oil wars not your thing?

    Aside from simply sending cash to foreign countries, we spend a fortune through the “Department of Defense” to protect our oil interests around the world. We have even started or jumped into wars over the resource. If you’re not interested in spending trillions of dollars on the military because of an addiction to oil, and you’re not fond of pushing young adults into horrible suffering and death sentences, one of the best things to do is to simply help cut our oil addiction.

    19. It’ll sound like a spaceship.

    Maybe this one doesn’t weigh with quite the importance of #18, but it’s still cool to hear the faint whizz of a powerful electric motor as you fly forward like in a spaceship … or at least my idea of a spaceship from watching Star Trek, Star Wars, and other space-related movies and TV shows.

    20. Going to gas stations is so last year.

    Gas stations are pretty unpleasant places. They’re not where you go for a relaxing coffee and bagel on the sidewalk. They stink, they’re packed with toxic gasoline and junk food, and they’re designed to move cars in and out quickly — not to offer a pleasant atmosphere for chilling out. With an electric car, you can almost completely avoid these 20th century establishments.

    21. Oil changes, smog checks, muffler problems, transmission problems — #fuggedaboutit.

    My first car was a 1990 Audi 80. I was lucky enough to have multiple muffler and transmission problems with that cash sucker. Of course, simple oil changes at really beautiful, beautiful relaxation areas weren’t all that fun either.

    All of these things (and many more) are avoided with fully electric cars, since you don’t have oil to change, a transmission that can break, mufflers, various hoses and belts, etc. Electric cars are much simpler by default, so they can save you a lot of time (have I mentioned that?) and headaches.

    22. A functioning brain ain’t a half-bad idea.

    Air pollution doesn’t just cause asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease — it also damages our brains. A recent study from the American Psychological Association (APA) found that air pollution was linked to brain disorders and diminished cognitive abilities. Any wonder why science isn’t our best subject?

    23. Cancer’s not fun. Heart disease isn’t super either.

    Aside from lung cancer, outdoor air pollution can also lead to bladder cancer and a host of other health problems. WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen (a “cancer-causing agent.

    Air pollution actually “kills more people through cardiovascular disease than through cancer” — but whether it’s heart disease or cancer, it’s a lot easier to read about it than to actually live through (or die from) the suffering created by those health problems.

    24. Don’t you want to see the mountains?

    As I recently highlighted in my article on what the end of gasoline cars will look like, there are beautiful mountains outside of Los Angeles that people can seldom see from the City of Angels because of the smog.

    Los Angeles isn’t the only place that has its view messed up by air pollution, though — not even close. Another example I like to share is Paris in smog and out of smog. Here are two pictures to help show the difference: smog, no smog.

    Really, is it hard to see which is the more logical choice? Which city do you want to live in or visit?

    25. Being an early adopter is cool.

    Were you one of the first people do get a smartphone? I certainly wasn’t, but now that I think about it, it would have been cool if I was. Getting an electric car before your friends and family can set you apart as the adventurer, the cutting-edge tech guru, the esteemed doer and trendsetter, etc. You get all of this honor doing what is actually easier, saves money, and is more fun. Pretty neat.

    26. You really don’t drive much — get over it.

    You feel like you drive all the time, eh? You feel like maybe the range of a non-Tesla, non-PHEV just isn’t enough for you? Actually, there’s a decent chance you don’t drive a lot but do sit in traffic a lot. EVs don’t really care if you’re sitting in traffic — they don’t suck on your wallet through an old-school, ignorant gas engine while you look out your window for signs of human life. They just stop.

    In actuality, a recent MIT study found that “87% of vehicles on the road could be replaced by a low-cost electric vehicle available today, even if there’s no possibility to recharge during the day.” That’s in the USA, where people drive about twice as much as people in the UK and other more sanely developed countries. Still have anxiety? It’s called “range anxiety anxiety.” Just let it go. (Granted, if you are in need of a vehicle to fit the other 13% of the US vehicle fleet’s needs, you may need a Tesla or a plug-in hybrid.)

    And you can feel totally cool (and maybe even sexy) listening to it in your electric car. If you are more of the “my little minions rule my life” variety, maybe this song would be a better one for you (without any effort on my part, this quickly became my young daughter’s favorite song … which I guess doesn’t come as a huge surprise given how much I talk about electric cars). Either way, it’s fun to listen to electricity-related songs while driving an electric car.

    28. #Exxonknew

    Seriously, Exxon freakin’ knew decades ago that it was dooming us, ordering up a wicked stew of natural disasters, heat waves, rising seas, droughts, floods, superstorms, wars, new diseases, etc.

    It knew that burning oil was warming up the globe, and rather than helping to inform society and prevent societal collapse, it started thinking up ways to confuse the public and delay climate action.

    That’s horrible, and we should stop funding the billionaires and millionaires who benefited and continue to benefit from attacking society.

    This @exxonmobile chart from 1982 predicted that in 2019 our atmospheric CO2 level would reach about 415 parts per million, raising the global temperature roughly 0.9 degrees C.

    Update: The world crossed the 415 ppm threshold this week and broke 0.9 degrees C in 2017 1/ pic.twitter.com/sLpOVkwzTF
    — Tom Randall (@tsrandall) May 14, 2019

    29. Your kids will thank you.

    In 1–3 decades, when it becomes absolutely obvious that we made a terrible, terrible decision to not act faster, and that our kids and grandkids are reaping the overwhelming harvest of trouble that results, your kids and grandkids are either going to be massively disappointed in your delay to get in on the cleantech action or they are going to be grateful that you were at least a leader in the shift to cleaner transport and cleaner electricity. Think about it for a moment.

    30. Chocolate … mmm.

    This was initially intended to be a joke, but I just remembered that chocolate could indeed be much more limited in a warmer world. That would suck!

    For that matter, so would shortages of avocados (my favorite food), bananas, coffee, maple syrup, peanuts and peanut butter, etc. Not cool. Not cool at all.

    So, in short, have a heart, go electric.

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