MMX 0.00% 4.7¢ murchison metals ltd

sino may offer 7 to 8 bucks

  1. 1,436 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    $7.65 could see them get their 49.9%

    1/2 a cake is better than no cake at all.

    49.9% will give them control.

    BUT 1/2 the ore, 1/2 the infra is already owned by mitsu. Is it possible for sino and mitsu to continue the current partnership arrangement? Unlikely but possible.

    The BIG question is will Mitsu make a counter bid? I suspect they will and will also get approval for 49.9%

    Sino will now have to accumulate large amounts quickly to get to 19.9% being the take over trigger. Then its a matter of making an offer that suits Harbinger, Posco, and management to get up to 49.9%.

    It is also possible that sino could go to 100% of mmx if it agreed to divest the infrastructure.

    What is mmx worth : -

    cash: 165 mill

    ore: 1 billion maybe but who really knows - based on the mmx/mitsu deal this is a realistic figure.

    ownership of infrastructure: guessing at 1 billion maybe more - not sure

    total: 2.165 billion perhaps

    With 420 million mmx shares that makes my back of envelope calculation to be about $5.15 as a 1st offer.

    Add another $2.50 as a t/o premium [wishful thinking but possible] and you get to $7.65
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