us killings in iraq a present to palestine, page-3

  1. 280 Posts.
    I tend to agree with you on is one. Snooker

    We are faced with huge cultural / religious differences.

    To see the joy in those Iraqs as they draged the dismembered bodies through the streets. [ is just one example]

    Sometimes i think that muslims are not ready to play catchup with the rest of the world and are forever trying to turn back the clock to some dark past time.

    We seem to have trouble where ever they are or where ever they live. Even western muslims are begining to be a problem. What is it with this religion ?

    I have many muslim friends that all seem to live normal lives but the minute some topics are discussed their IQ drops by half.

    Weeks after 911 i spoke with a young educated Aust/Leb muslim man re the tragedy and he was quick to say that it was all fabricated and that there were no muslims involved and it was all a American plot to make the muslims/arabs look bad. WOW
    I was not prepaired for his opinion on Bali.[justification]
    This from a Australian born muslim.

    I listened in disbelief.

    I would not know how to begin to solve these problems.
    [Perhaps a free ticket back to the Mid East] Just kidding


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