'Risks aren't worth it': QBE says parts of planet becoming uninsurable due to climate concerns, page-39

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642

    zipperdidodah, I'd love to join in the chuckle but unfortunately you are trying to make light of being tumbled off your fave hobby-horse of blaming the whole prob on over-population. This is a matter of a "ratbag(s) who want to believe a guess is a fact a possibility"... its what you're doing zip.

    Its not a matter that can be diverted from. Its the actuality that needs to be addressed and you're simply trying be wag th dog dear boy.

    Today the Lancet (medical journal) published the WHO he report, titled A Future for the World's Children?, (which) warns climate change,... threaten the health and future of children worldwide. I've taken this from the ABC report site but you can read the whole report https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)32540-1/fulltext

    "Researchers analysed data from 180 countries and compared performance on child survival and wellbeing, based on health, education, nutrition, equity and sustainability measures.

    "Australia ranked 20th in the global "child flourishing" index for its performance on child survival. But it lagged on sustainability, coming in at 174 — putting it among the top 10 worst greenhouse gas emitters." (my bold) https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2020-02-19/lancet-commission-child-health-climate-change/11978048

    So hey zip-dude its not a chuckling issue especially here in Aus. We've got to take this seriously and forget our past legacies and vested interests.

    174/180 is pretty damned crap don't yer reckon?
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