ATC 0.00% 4.5¢ altech batteries ltd

Second ATC plant in Saxonia or Brandenburg (Germany), page-75

  1. 187 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 278
    Hi Sloppy,

    trust me, there's no sense in answering "Kaffeetasse". cool.png
    He's a fanatical, german FYI-holder whose posts very rarely speak of expertise...rolleyes.png
    You only need to read a few posts by him to realize that. wink.png
    In Germany, too, it litters some forums to the point of intolerability.

    DYOR and greetings from Old Germany

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4.5¢ 4.5¢ 4.4¢ $36.76K 828.4K

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2 222000 4.4¢

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4.5¢ 933414 3
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