Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-242

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    (a) You are building your house on account of a builder
    (b) You are building your house by reason of a builder
    (c) You are building your house for the sake of a builder
    (d) You are building your house because of a builder
    (e) You are building your house through a builder

    None of the above.
    The house is the one we always wanted to build and I like God, had reasons, a driving reason for doing so.
    Right back when this plan, logos was in my mind, my driver, reasoning was -> through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of a future one in my life and the expectation of kids to follow.
    That was the Key driver to which I did things through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, BECAUSE of them, to be.

    Likewise, we have exactly that with God.

    It is nonsense to say that you know what God's first thoughts and plans where.
    1 Cor 2:10 - But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

    It is only nonsense to those Not of God, as the Bible reveals what was God's first plan and that was for a Jesus to be Eph 3:9 and in that context, the Jesus to be was the beginning of the creation of God, Rev 3:14 and in the EXACT same context, Jesus was the firstborn of creation and likewise in the future plan for a Jesus to be, the one to be was PRE-SLAIN Rev 13:8 before the foundation (inner plans of God) of the world.
    Your creation Chum, and your foundation for it, begins IN you, you just go and ask an architect.

    This plan, held via God and God alone, is known as logos and Glory and Jesus himself backs this up in John 17:5;
    And now glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with glory insofar held (I had) before -> the -> world existed, -> with YOU.

    So the subject of what was with God, is not, was NOT Jesus.
    The Glory had, held was God holding and alone His plans as God's see things not done as though the are already done and Jesus for the first time is now asking for His literal presence as well as the Glory God held regarding Jesus, the one to be in the future.

    Jesus literally, physically, had, held nothing back then as he did NOT exist.

    2 Tim 1:9 - Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose (know as logos and glory)and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal,

    These people in 2 Tim, were not saved, called of given anything back then, as they did not exist and YET they could rightfully ask God -> And now glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with glory insofar held (I had) before -> the -> world existed, -> with YOU.

    So they as with Jesus, held literally = ZERO and He and them did not exist back then.
    And there is no way you can talk your way around the 17:5 verse and try and suggest, it supports a pre-existing Jesus.
    Otherwise, You will have to insist, these people in 2 Tim, pre-existed as well.
    Now then, back to you builder subject and the meaning of Dia.
    YOU chum have ZERO options but to accept the OVERALL meaning of the Greeks word DIA, ACCORDING to them.
    Through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of = there IS a repeated theme here, Hence IT dictates who you NEED to understand the context the through is being used,
    BECAUSE ALSO, numerous OT verses dictate to us, that we must and have NO other options;
    Ex ->
    Isa 44:24 - Thus saith Yahweh, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I Yahweh that maketh allthings; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

    And why did he do it -> through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of, the future one to be.
    In that context, which flies right Over you head, God and God alone created all things IN Jesus.
    The word "IN" here chum which you refuse to get, sets the exact tone, context that the through demo, meaning that I have shown here.

    How else can you possible see this IN Jesus, all things were created.

    That Colossians verse is saying that all things where created through Jesus and that is why he is called the
    firstborn of creation..

    Did YOU even look before you leaped here, so to speak.
    That is why he is called the firstborn of creation = makes NO sense whatsoever???????????????????

    He IS the firstborn OF creation and we know he was not created before the world was, Due 18:18 and the message to Mary etc, etc and more etc's.
    The verses or reference I have quoted, several of, gives the Bible context of how and why he is the firstborn of creation, in the mind and plans of God, the future one to be, was the first plan of God.
    Gen 3:15, He, the one to be, even gets a mention right back there, but this seed, the woman's did not Yet exist.

    For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

    Been through this rubbish before and knocked it off WITH the Bible.
    Eph 3:9, the hidden mystery hid IN God, came down from Heaven.
    The Word, part of Eph was given to the Angel who then gave it to Mary etc, it the plan, resulting in a Jesus, came down from heaven.
    He is the 2nd Adam, not of the dust, earthly but of the Heavenly = God, so yes he came down in that exact context.

    Jesus makes a CLEAR distinction between coming OUT from God, PROCEEDED FORTH from God as against be SENT into the world, which was only after he was raised via God for many years and then after Baptism, he was sent into the world.
    Jesus gives a Clear example of this in John 17:18, where he led and taught others and AS He was sent into the world, he likewise sent others.
    John was sent from God, but like Jesus, he did Not pre-exist.

    Goodness me mate, Matt, Mark and Luke give VERY clear references as to the Beginning of Jesus, where Ya bin? what.png
    I notice You cherry picked my Col ref, leaving out a VERY important one, Had Jesus not succeeded and been raised from the Dead, then all things would NOT be literally getting held together through him.
    He was raised for that reason, so he could NOW literally hold all things together, until he hand all thing over to the Almighty God and Father and be subject to Him.

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