Are These the Last Days?, page-40

  1. 11,976 Posts.
    This is where we are at:
    (Revelation 17:16) And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked,...

    False religion is having its cloak of respectability removed, its wickedness in misleading people into believing God roasts people in hell. While the political elements (10 horns) care little about that, what they do care about is that pretending to be religious is no longer a vote winner.

    Here's what's soon to come:
    REV 17;16 ...'' and they will eat up her flesh ''...
    They will feel justified in gobbling up its wealth ,supposedly to survive an economic collapse, but in reality to enrich themselves. Keep in mind this is a generalization. There are some in all walks of life that have right motives, thinking religion deserves what's coming. The trouble is they cannot distinguish true followers of Christ from the false.
    Rev 17: 16 ...they will ''completely burn her with fire.''
    Meaning it will be obliterated for all time.
    Followers of false religion will be left entirely stunned that their religious organisations failed to see it coming even though it was foretold around 1,900 years ago and is right there in their Bibles.
    The urgency of this statement cannot be overstated:
    (Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.
    Get out of false religion now! Jehovah's Witnesses stand ready to conduct a Bible study with you.Contact can be made through
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