holy falluja!

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Holy Falluja!
    by Simon D'Elder
    Apr 09, '04

    Despite the virtual blackout imposed by the American media on the gruesome images of the arab celebration in the holy city of falluja, other nations, and even Americans getting news from the internet, bore witness to the events there.

    It is difficult not to wonder about the rationale of a media that promotes all kinds of depravity (including violence) choosing to incongruously exclude these images. Do they not want people to see arabs as they are, and draw logical, moral conclusions? Since the US is one of the few places on earth where people lean towards drawing logical, moral conclusions, and also one of the very few places where these images were not shown, this might be more than chance at work.

    A conspiracy theorist would have trouble not suspecting that this is another one of those silent victories for the moral relativists that you only notice when you start to question things - like why it's ok for arabs to strap a bomb to a child, but not ok for Jews do things to try to reduce the number of bomb-laden arabs that actually end up exploding next to innocent people.

    But, back to the Orwellian double-speak.

    For honest Christians, Israel is the Holy Land of their holy book, the land of the genesis of their faith, the land of their prophets, the land that their very own bible documents repeatedly being promised to the Jewish People by the word of their own G-d. Isn't it curious how the nominally-Christian world refers to Israel as if it isn't all of these things? The Holy Land is "occupied" by those terrible Jews, and it is a moral crime that we are here, as if their own G-d was a liar and a criminal.

    Have you noticed that the same nominally-Christian voices that impugn our rights to our Land with their faux-moral condemnation of the world's only truly Holy Land have recently turned a new trick? Those places filled with jihadi beasts - who would machinegun these nice semi-Christians if they were there, and not stuck up in their ivory towers, then burn their corpses, sing and dance with the whole family like it was a big picnic while dismembering their remains, and strap bombs to their 10-year-old children to massacre anybody they missed - have been "re-christened," if you will. The media has surreptitiously adopted the practice of referring to these places as "holy cities".

    Holy cities? What kind of absurdity is that?

    As for the mutilations - the murders, the burning, the decapitations, the dismembering, and other celebrations of islam - according to the braying coming out of some mosque's most-respected donkey, islam allows this sort of behavior in cases of revenge. Fortunately for a jihad nazi, everything hateful about their filthy and bestial life is the fault of someone who isn't a delivery boy for islam's spiritual sewage or a brutal dictator with 27 palaces who makes you live in a house made of dirt; so that pretty much makes revenge an okay way to treat everybody else.

    Look how hard they work to get 10-year-old boys all dressed up in bombs. The entire community gets together for a little project, everybody chips in to send little mahomet off with a bomb in his book bag to meet his 72 beautiful virgins. Or his bunch of white grapes, depending on which version of the story you buy.

    On a side note, the whole beautiful virgin thing has been a surprisingly big hit. Once upon a time, an old man drugged young men, put them in his harem for a night, and told them that this was the paradise that awaited them if they died serving him. But budgets are tight nowadays, with the europeans not paying for quite as much of the terror jihad against Israel as they used to, as their economic situation begins to catch up with their moral bankruptcy. Plus, they realized that they are paying more for swimming pools and arafat's retirement fund than they are paying for Jews to be killed. An additional fly in the ointment, as we learned from Ceausescu, is the awkward fact that arafat's harem is mostly large men with guns, which would require a revamping of jihad eschatology almost exceeding that of the whole grape thing. On top of that, it is rumored arafat doesn't like to share.

    Jihad nazis desire vengeance, which comes from a wellspring of evil that goes as deep as history goes back. We Jews desire peace, justice and truth. It comes from our souls being bound by the Covenant at Sinai. With our compassionate souls, it is sometimes easy to hear the lies jihad nazis spout at the behest of their murdering, lying, child-molesting, false prophet and be deceived about the nature of justice. Despite this, our concept of justice does indeed differ from that of the beasts who murdered and mutilated in falluja.

    Compare our cruelty in taking pity on the wicked arabs who send bombs to explode amongst our children with the cruelty in fajulla and you will understand the nature of the Jewish people, even when it is somewhat obscured by the fearful and galut-inspired, misguided mercy of fools.

    To see the orgy of bestiality, and the joy and smiling and dancing, of the community of arabs, young and old, who partook in the islamic celebration that involved the dismemberment, brutalization and mutilation of the murdered corpses of men on a humanitarian mission, is to understand the nature of arab society.

    The world is filled with people willing to accuse Americans of shallowness, crass commercialism and banality as they go to worship on Sunday, have a barbecue, and watch football. When arabs celebrate their religion, and the barbecue is human, and the football is also, what kind of accusations does honesty demand?

    The words "compassionate souls" probably do not spring unbidden to mind.

    We pursue peace, and wonder why we don't have truth and justice, forgetting the order of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, "…truth, justice and peace… you shall administer truth and the justice of peace in your gates."

    First comes truth - fearless, honest, accurate and clear. Then comes justice. Sacrificing truth and justice means we will have no peace. Just wanting peace without doing the things we need to do to get it is infantile logic, lacking the understanding of causality that allows grown-ups to actually do the correct things to get what they want.

    We must administer truth and justice, even to the point of forcing it on a world that doesn't want it, not whining about how it isn't fair that we don't have it.

    "Justice, justice, shalt thou pursue."

    Not, "Justice, justice, pine after it, and mope about how nice it would be if someone gave you some."

    Not, "Justice, justice, beg the beasts to give you some please, when they're not too busy trying to blow up your children."

    Not, "Justice, justice, the US has some, can we have some too? Please? Please?"

    But, "Justice, justice, hunt it down, and drag it back kicking and screaming if necessary."

    Are we superior to King David, who said, "Ye that love the L-rd, hate evil!" and "Do I not hate them, O L-rd, those who hate You? Do I not strive with them that rise up against You? I hate them with the utmost hatred. I count them my enemies."?

    If the jihad nazis are not evil, then there is no evil. They are evil, and we Jews have an obligation to hate them, consider them as enemies and sweep their evil from our Holy Land.

    As a Jew who has heard the instructions of our Prophet to "hate the evil, and love the good, and establish justice in the gate," I say this:

    For the love of just one baby girl in the Holy City of Hebron, this world will run out of arabs a long, long time before I will run out hate.

    This is neither all I hate them for, nor all I demand justice for, but it is a start.

    Does it bother you that arabs are angry and hate-filled? Does it make you feel guilty and afraid?

    I will match my anger, my hate, and my demand for justice against every arab that breathes, and will not be found wanting.

    I do this without guilt, without fear.

    Must I do this alone?

    In his commentary on Pirkey Avot, Rabbi S. R. Hirsch talks about the enforcement of justice and preservation of truth as the mission of the Jewish State, and how our enemies will take up arms against us if we neglect this. He tells that when we remember our Covenant at Sinai, enemies will retreat before us in awe, but if we are indifferent to it, they will no longer view us as superior, and will attack us like wild beasts.

    Having lived too long at the mercy of unkind gentiles, we forget that truth, while it has value on its own, is also a prerequisite to justice. Just knowing, or even saying, the truth is indeed necessary, but not sufficient. The reason we must know and speak the truth is to connect ourselves to a promise we made at Sinai. We promised at Sinai to first do the things we know are correct and then strive to understand them.

    We are taught not to delay correct action until we completely understand. How little sense does it make for us to delay justice because we are waiting for gentiles, who do not even accept our values, to understand them and bless our action? Truth is not meant to be used to beg for the gentiles' understanding and approval. We have our blessing for these actions already, and it does not come from these people or their nations, nor from replacing our Holy G-d and Torah with them.

    Because we have been taught to fear and avoid the truth about our enemy, our searching for justice and peace will be fruitless until we overcome this.

    Where is the truth?

    My Jewish brothers and sisters, where is your dignity? Where is your indignation, fierce anger and hate that truth and our G-d demands of you now? That the genuine love of our people demands of you now?

    Where is your passion for justice?

    "Justice, justice, shalt thou pursue," but we are much more content to sit and wait for it than pursue it. The closest thing many of us get to pursuing it is flipping to see if it is on the other channel during a commercial. "Oh well, not there. Maybe next time."

    "But you must seek out from among all the people superior, God-fearing men - men of truth, who hate injustice. You must then appoint them over the people as leaders… Let them administer justice for the people."

    Where are our superior Jewish leaders, men of truth, who hate injustice? Are our leaders pursuing and administering justice for us?

    Where are the students of Torah to heed Rabbi Hillel's, "In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man."?

    Where are the rabbis beating their breasts and sobbing because they have failed to raise champions of Israel?

    Who will history record as the mighty men of Israel of our time? Is there even one among us?

    And if so, how would he deal with the arabs who keep sending us bombs?

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