OSL 0.00% 0.5¢ oncosil medical ltd

Ann: Appendix 2A, page-12

  1. 25 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I sent an email to Arthur Chan at WE Communications yesterday querying why the wording had changed in the "About OncoSil" section of their ANN's - with regard to the CE Mark. This morning he sent back an email that said,

    "Thank you bringing this to our attention - clearly this is an oversight and will be corrected. We note the main body of the announcements states clearly OSL is awaiting a decision from regulatory authorities. We will keep the market informed of the outcome of this decision."

    I also note that with their market announcement this morning (the Appendix 2A correction ANN), the wording has reverted back to:

    "A CE Mark application to commercially sell OncoSil™ in the European Union is under review."

    i.e. there is no longer any reference to having being granted the CE Mark. Still, those three announcements prior to this morning's announcement had incorrect information in them which the ASX SHOULD have picked up on, and they didn't. People could certainly have been misled by that incorrect information. It's pretty sloppy stuff - by both OSL and the ASX.
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