GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

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  1. 2,613 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 436
    yes, and there is no doubt in my mind this President is in very dangerous situation.

    but JFK did not have this “structure” in place.

    Trumpy can now monetise all the debt, as much as possible, using money supplied by the Fed, through the Treasury.

    The package indicates an enormous range of areas the relief-package will address. There was a lot of joking about “Steptoe and Son” trading in some scrap.

    End result here now, “who is left holding the debt now if USA goes bankrupt”?

    and don’t worry, at least 1 troll will say “USA has never defaulted on its debt” ( he will probably even use both accounts)

    but if Treasury now borrows another 6 trillion, spreads it back into the USA economy, then announces a “debt jubilee”.....

    who will be left holding the debt?

    Bush. Rothschild. Obama. Soros ?

    Trumpy is monetising the debt into the Fed!

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