RSG 2.47% 41.5¢ resolute mining limited

Ann: Sale of Ravenswood Gold Mine Completed, page-35

  1. 2,904 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 213
    Corp overheads have one less mine to be apportioned against so it is natural the AISC will go up a little higher than just a simple weighted average of previous guidances of Syama and Mako. The exchange rate has also been jumping all over the place so when the update was issued on the 26/3 the Aussie dollar was a little weaker, Corp overheads are mostly in AUD.

    It still seems on the high side though I must admit but hey 430,000 @ (1610-980) = 271m usd or 440m AUD, less hedge loss and we are still looking at 425m AUD gross, which if they pull it off is a $2-$3 stock in no time!!

    Market will continue to punish and discount it though for as long as JW polarises investors with his opaqueness. Interesting to see the accounting treatment of that BS prom note and the other 200m from Ravenswood, looks like we sold at a good time after all.
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Mkt cap ! $883.5M
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41.0¢ 41.5¢ 40.0¢ $4.278M 10.45M

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7 447837 40.5¢

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41.5¢ 921640 16
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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