Six months....impossible, page-116

  1. 84,142 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    yes, I agree with most of that - I have been struggling to put what I think in words (at least short versions - no point long versions here)

    I doubt if all nations have a clear objective - and, even if they do - all will depend on how the actual battles go - even if you look like losing the eradication battle - then, you may well change to the 'flatten the curve' option 2

    if it were just one nation individually - that would be the end of the complexity - but, it isn't and we are a very complex connected world - so, I think we will begin to see many complications in a few weeks - a classic example would be France compared to the UK

    it 'looks' like France is going the eradication route - but, the UK was very openly going the other way - and, is still half r's about it

    When Boris and Macron spoke ?? a couple of weeks back - the differences in attack came into focus and Macron seemed to win it hands down by saying to Boris that if France did manage to get a hold of this and the UK was going it's herd immunity route - don't expect to be invited into the house anytime soon - so - either clean up your act and go hard - or stay home for a very very very long time

    it's that sort of thing where I see massive complications - both for Oz and other places - but, possibly inside Oz as well - between states - although except for Tasmania with it's natural defense - I have no idea how a nation would do things state by state -

    anyway -- we wait
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