China is the cancer of the world, page-21

  1. 9,565 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 525
    Well Rob80 has a bee in his bonnet i reckon, starting with his incorrect OP.. that's what happens when you take your weekly extreme right narrative in one big dose. We've been deluged with news recently about how Twiggy Forrest has imported llarge quantities of PPE from China.

    maybe his cohort could be informed that um, er Rob80 MIA. Don't search. Self culling.

    here's the big difference between the ascending power and the shattering empire.

    China has pulled 700 million people from poverty in their own country and given them a decent life. It ain't perfect by any means with 1.3 billion people involved, but quite a bit of it is economically and technically astounding and dragging many other nations along and into higher living standards. Australia has surfed this wave with short termism, rapacious conservative greed and complete lack of creativity and genuine national interest resulting in a future that has never looked worse.

    American capitalism has completely strangled the American dream, overseen hideous wealth inequality and reduced 200 million citizens to serfdom, one pay packet away from financial disaster, if that. Its military-industrial complex roams the world under the command of the Washington War Party wrecking nations everywhere and committing genocide everywhere. Those half million Iraqi kids dead, "worth it" said former secretary of state Madeline (war criminal) Allbright.

    America has done this using its world class narrative management through main stream media, like the NY Post and (incredibly) the most popular outlet Fox News, through all western media including Australia's ABC. Yep, ABC. Remember WMD.

    Right now, MSM will do and say anything to save Trump's ass and get him re-elected, which should be pretty easy against demented Joe Biden, who is himself part of the problem.

    The hate China rhetoric will ramp up as the death toll from its self-managed CV catastrophe mounts. Some form of military action can't be categorically ruled out before the November poll, such as a South China Sea 'freedom of navigation' SNAFU? Australia will see nothing as brown nosing takes full field vision.

    the rhetoric is already there, carefully curated narrative by MSM whereby Rob80's brainwashing allows him to declare the biggest nation on Earth a cancer. London to a brick he didn't think of this himself.

    the declining US empire will have no problems confecting a fairy tale leading to a flash point.

    they never do.

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