This is why Climate Activists will never boycott fossil fuels. They are HYPOCRITES!, page-350

  1. 37,352 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Wow. eek.png

    The bs and spin is really flowing now. I expect you'll quote Shill-enberger next.

    About all you're achieving here is demonstrating that you don't know how the power system works .

    " Why can't they just turn up the output on the solar or wind as required.

    Poor old gas has to carry the load , again & again & again.

    The old shockjock claim. Trouble is, you're not telling the whole story.

    There is no hope of renewable energy powering Australia now because there is still only a small amount installed, relatively speaking. Wouldn't matter if it was sunny for 24 hours a day and the wind never stopped. We are nowhere near the point where we have enough installed renewable capacity so your claim is totally irrelevant. It's just a blowhard attempt at distraction.

    As for gas, it is the bridging fuel. It is providing the backup needed as we transition for coal to renewables. It is making backup coal or nuclear redundant . The more renewables and storage we install, the less gas we'll have to burn. A seamless, steady, transition over a few decades. No waiting decades for lumbering, expensive, dirty fossil to be built. Renewables are a progressive system that is increasing the grid capacity daily.

    Nuclear is not the solution. Even for France that has had a nuclear industry since shortly after WW2. The French are switching from nuclear to renewables.

    " A new study claims that renewables are on track to overtake nuclear power as the dominant energy source in France in the next decade.Theshare of renewables in France will hit 42.9 per cent of the country’s power mixby 2023, up from 19.9 per cent in 2018, according to analytics company GlobalData. "
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