something for yak and snooks

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    Oh what a gay ol' world!
    Oh how gay the spermatozoa!

    Victory for sperm donor

    April 19, 2004

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    A Sydney sperm donor has been granted shared guardianship of a toddler in a landmark court decision in New Zealand.

    The toddler has been given three parents - his biological mother, her lesbian partner and their gay sperm donor.

    The two-year-old boy was conceived after an agreement between the Auckland lesbian couple and their friends, a Sydney gay couple.

    But after the birth the couples fell out and the women moved back to Auckland, refusing the men access, the Sunday Star-Times newspaper said.

    The biological mother's lesbian partner went to court seeking joint custody and guardianship with her partner, while the sperm donor also sought custody and guardianship, or at least access.

    The case went to the High Court twice.

    Auckland Family Court judge Sarah Fleming awarded joint custody to the women, but also gave the lesbian partner and biological father shared guardianship with the biological mother.

    The judge also went beyond an initial agreement between the couples that gave the men at least 14 days' access to the child a year, and awarded monthly access, increasing to seven days a month.

    The couples involved cannot be identified but the Sydney men were celebrating after the expiry of an appeal period last month.

    The lawyer for the sperm donor, Vivienne Crawshaw, said: "He has achieved an enormous amount, in terms of securing a relationship with his child."

    The newspaper said Judge Fleming gave it permission to report the judgement after the decision was upheld by the High Court.

    It said the precedent-setting decision went further than the New Zealand Government's Care of Children Bill, which will provide for legal recognition of sperm donors and other parents.

    - AAP
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