Teachers who don't want to work...., page-108

  1. 601 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    See - this is the problem I have with the teaching profession in Australia as a whole. The fact male teachers or males in any environment where there are young women is always questioned. Its teaching ffs....it just shows you where most females/perverted minds are. And going by the media it seems there are a bit more females being busted grooming and carrying on after school with their students which seems to get glossed over and never taken as serious - even southpark did an episode about it and when the kids went to the police all they said was "niceee" I mean come on people. The teaching profession is dominated by females and females that are all about the feminist agenda - and are pushing it. The boys are being left behind, Ive been hearing Girls can do anything, female empowerment for 40 years now and never anything for the lads - I really dont want to hear it for another 40+ years or until I die. We have to change it because to me, they have far too much power over how and who to educate. There are more girls at uni than ever before - and they STILL are choosing to not do STEM subjects. When I was at uni all the girls in my class were immigrants.. not one white female in my class. Now we are offering scholarships for women just for being female into these classes but NOTHING for the men. Enough is enough. Jump on any news outlet on facebook and look at ANY story about going back to school and ALL the angry reacts and calls to stay home come from one type of person - the teaching females of Australia.

    Its not a career Id like to be in at 2020 and kudos to those that are. More props if you are a male.
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