Gid day Towie, Have you done much reserch on LNY I studied this stock in Feb and rejected it for the followin reasons 1 Ashford Coal, thiese guys haven,t even got a mining lease on this asset,value $000 2 Agate Creek, no production at present, cutback planned for the pit to allow for drillin to prove up extention of the ore body that dip under the wall, aparantly ? 3 ore that was cleand up in the bottem of the pit has been and stills is being processed by a 3rd party and are owed $1.8mil unpayed for gld recovered and sold 4 Mates with chairman ( BAM ) have got a loan from LNY of $2mil due to be paid inJuly 5 Heavy number in shares outstanding 3.72 Bil\ 6 New Zealand operation (Jubilee) is on stop ,don,t know why ? They (LNY) have money in the bank (3.2 mil) and a loan set up but undrawn (3.5mil) This is not advice but freely avaiable information DYOR IMO not going any where soon