China Covid19 Lies and cover ups found, page-35

  1. 61,260 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 312

    The Chinese, as the Japanese sseem to have an inferiority complex. Both are very afraid of losing "face".

    In the case of China, secrecy is paramount in protecting their hidden world. Witness their human rights abuses; the 15 HK protesters who will permaently dissapear; their ruthless rule ove their indoctrinated citizens and inter alia, their media and social media censorhip.

    With regard to CV19, correctly labelled by Trump, the China Virus, they will pull out all stops to prevent any open investigations whatsoever. Such actions by the CCP only inflame more doubt by world leaders and medical experts as to the real causation of this extremenely damaging pandemic which has thrown the world into a depression.

    The Chinese authorities will lie, obfuscate and ridiculously try to throw any criticism or blame on to the doubters, accusers, questioners to cover up their deceipt and courruption.

    One of my Chinese business friends who employs around 300 workers says the corruption is from the police up. We know that exists in many countriesm but perhaps not so prevalently as in Chindia.

    One thing we can be certain of is never to trust anything the CCP says!
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