bali bombers scared to die, page-60

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    Smiler, I'd rather not resort to personal attacks, mate.
    I'd rather look at the arguments one expresses, see if these are arguments are expressed within the parameters of free speech, check to see what I think the person has in fact said and then argue the errors of his logic.
    So far, your post(s) reveal a strong inclination to avoid any of this and an even stronger inclination to distort what people have said and go off frothing at the mouth with what is cluttering your own skull rather than with what people are actually saying.

    I've demonstrated very often that my hatred is not for the US -This is the favourite tactic of the idiots who says that if you think this US admin or this particular President is doing something wrong, then you must harbour a "hatred" for the whole country. They don't mind, however, if you expose the faulty logic and practice of the same country if they, themselves don't like the President.
    If I have a "hatred" at all it is for the criminal behaviour of the neo cons that inhabit the halls of the current White House and Pentagon, let alone the seats of this country's justice system. If the Hague is to talk about crimes against humanity with any consistency, then pretty much the whole Admin that Governs the States right now should be brought before its benches and tried most vigourously.
    It is a hatred based on their deeds, performed in the last decade at the very least.
    Unlike your posts which are "poisonous" and directed at people who have a different opinion to yours, my posts try to identify the injustice of certain acts and beliefs by particular people.
    The "vast majority of sound thinking Australians" would, in fact, consider YOUR posts stupid because these australians would be "sound thinking."

    Your next paragraph is not worthy of recognition, let alone any comment.

    As for: "Get on with your life and please show a little understanding of the pragmatism required in dealing with international affairs."
    Shove this patronising piece of garbage where it belongs. Much like your other bilious comments, this too, does not deserve to see the light of day.

    Do try and read a little better, Smiler, a little more objectively and with a little more care. So far, I've seen better thinking from congenital idiots.
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