uk interest rates slashed to 3%, page-3

  1. 967 Posts.
    My suspicion is that the markets are now playing the Cental Banks at their own game. I still blame Greenspan ,and Stevens for the Aus situation ,with their relentless increases in rates. How can these guys watch the leaders induce folk into housing to stimulate it and then nail them later in the guise of controlling the inflation lurgy? Surely they have a moral and social obligation as well - or are they not part of society?

    Now its a game of panicking the situation to the max and when rates look like they will not be dropped any more there is a chance the stockmarkets will surge. Suits us as property bulls but what hypocrisy - inflation is not under control, pollies here are not allowed to criticise these RBA incompetents and on they go with their clumsy after the fact statistics to make decisions until the whole mess has caught them with their pants down! They should be held to account - I will now get off my soap box.
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