Perth Chinese Consul-general suddenly returns to China, page-18

  1. 10,404 Posts.
    China picking on a G20 member will not go unnoticed.

    So they announce that they'll be looking at the quality of the highest grade IO we can produce. Another threat that makes Twiggy crap his pants.

    There has to come a point where CCP interference in Australian affairs is stopped; where there is pushback by our governments and realization that most all Chinese companies trading in or owning Australian businesses or property are in fact an arm of the CCP, with CCP representatives on the boards of every company, with ultimate goals not profit but political domination.

    The CCP has several ways of dealing with countries it needs. In poorer countries it's bribery, like the buying of the naval facility in Solomon Islands last year, just pay off the politicians then lend money with national assets as collateral to tie up the economy, charge well above market rates, then pick up cheap national assets when the the economy becomes near insolvent.

    I can't recall anything of the size of this undertaking ever being pulled off. It's going to take a concerted effort from the EU, the US and Canada, ourselves, Japan, South Korea, India and middle East countries to block CCP initiatives worldwide. I believe we have been in WW3 for 10 years or so but now the world cannot let this continue. The longer it is left to grow CCP strength will be come entangled economically, politically,and geographically in every facit of our lives.

    Recent events are just a subtle warning of the direction we are heading and how far we have gone..
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