(This isn't happy reading!)- Maund: "Getting Positioned For the Worst Depression ..... ", page-4

  1. 1,297 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 310
    I can already see the writing on the wall.

    I believe we are already in a war but at the moment it doesn't involve armed conflict. The war I see is being fought on economic grounds, a technological arms race and posturing to either gain or maintain hegemony.
    While the USA still maintains the superior position in the world it has decided to change the main enemy from the USSR (Russia)
    to China. The reason is fairly obvious and that is because China is now in a position to produce a creditable threat to USA both in terms of economics as well as militarily. The balance still tilts in favour of the Americans but for how long is the question.
    The trade war between these two superpowers has been escalating and is not likely to resolve in the near future. The push and shove we constantly see is reminiscent of two schoolyard bullies getting ready to fight which starts with insults, then pushing and shoving before the fists start flying.
    The use of proxy combatants is already underway with the latest push/shoving being the use of Taiwan to support Hong Kong and the sending of weapons to Taiwan by the USA with assurances that "We'll back you up."
    Proxies allow indirect confrontation between enemies while still maintaining the illusion of efforts to maintain peace and not be perceived as the aggressor.
    However, the added stimulus of economic implosion amongst the players due to pandemics and irresponsible monetary policies means that clear headed and responsible statesmanship will go out the window.

    What is the writing on the wall? " WAR " That's what is written.

    As the players become desperate to maintain their positions of power, they will will look at a cascade of increasingly desperate solutions. It is only a matter of time until armed conflict erupts as an extension of a war we are already in.
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