Shorten wants robodebt compensation paid

  1. 48,182 Posts.
    Not happy with money being repaid, Shorten now wants additional compensation paid for 'hurt and suffering'.

    What a joke this grub is.

    When do PAYG taxpayers get compensation for all the 'hurt and suffering' they endure when slogging their guts out only to see the government steal at least a third of their wages in income tax?

    When is the Labor party going to stand up for PAYG taxpayers, who are continually overlooked by governments, and who should be the most important group that this party should represent?

    After all, all their union members would be PAYG taxpayers so why does the Labor party turn their back on them?

    Why did Bill Shorten, when employment minister under Gillard, issue more 457 visas for foreign workers than ANY OTHER minister prior or since?

    This asshole was too busy spending time flying around in the late Dick Pratt's private jet, and spending the rest of his time under the desk of Melbourne's billionaires.

    Meanwhile the LNP bangs on about helping business but never says anything about the working man. Whilst umpteen billions flow out of the country untaxed by Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix etc etc.

    F the Labor party and Bill Shorten, F the LNP and Greens etc. Not worth two knows of goat shit the lot of them.
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