UMG 0.00% $4.98 united malt group limited

Ann: United Malt Share Purchase Plan Opens, page-7

  1. 2,651 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 407

    Me too, although I only bid for $15k as I have a relatively small holding and expect a heavy scale back and didnt want to have too much $ tied up in this and another SPP as there is an opportunity cost involved.

    Reckon I’ll get about a third of that at best but who knows. I had a look at the top 20 and distribution schedule today and the top 20 is relatively concentrated with ~85% and quite a few large instos so we may be pleasantly surprised.

    Hopefully the market holds up between now and when the SPP shares commence trading. Think we’re on risk for 10 trading days give or take.
    Last edited by Artvandelay01: 16/06/20
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