margin call, page-20

  1. 49 Posts.
    Some really good observations in this link.

    I am very sorry about 101's experience. I feel for you 101.

    The "profesional" advisors take a couple of % pa of the value of your portfolio managed. They will never accept a fee based on "success". They also have the desire to "churn" - charge you a % on the buy and then another on the "sell" which leads to the next "buy". Stopped using them years ago.

    Analysts research notes are also generally worthless. I would love to see them have to justify what they said, say, on an annual basis. There would be a lot of red faces at the moment.....

    I am an optimist and still think that this is a great time to be buying - but with plenty of diversification..... Trouble is everyone is so down about the markets that its hard to do this. Anyway, I am putting my (home equity) money where my mouth is. It might go down a bit further but it will come back - it always does.

    If you have a decent amount of equity in your home, its way better (and much cheaper) to draw down a manageable amount and invest that. I honestly think that this is the time to do it. Trouble is everyone is so scared now

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