AVR anteris technologies global corp.

New AVR detailed research report with valuations, page-51

  1. 1,608 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 188
    Well this is where we differ (and this is fair enough). This is what we should be debating on a shareholder forum, (not personal attacks) because it is the crucial thing lacking in any "valuation" mentioned by that paper (therefore estimate of where the SP is heading). So thanks for the post. Given there is no estimate given by the original paper linked in this thread (hence why in my opinion it is meaningless, along with all the other mathematical "assumptions"), so this is the crux of the issue. I think it is $300-500 million. You think it's only $50 million. I base my judgement on previous amounts raised by other outfits at similar stages trying to compete with the giants like Medtronic etc. and the well known almost anticompetitive? behaviour witnessed bringing previous patches to market. This is a ruthless market so there will be way more costs than the simple "development costs" (which BTW at this early stage of testing has a long way to go) IMO. You believe that's an overestimate. Fair enough. This is why we have a market I guess. But thank goodness the debate is back on track where it matters at the crux of the issue.. Cheers. IMO/NA
    Last edited by asxunsullied: 28/06/20
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