Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-37866

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    @picastoc - thanks for responding - well here is all about celeriac's properties - some more accessible when eaten raw, which you can do, also, but need to grate it on a coarse setting and then mix it with a marinade (I don't like it much that way, but it's a matter of taste) - they are also part of Salad Waldorf , but in cooked form - a classic from America

    Celeriac: why precisely this humble rootshould have been known as a hyper-aphrodisiac for thousands of years has longbeen a mystery.
    Perhaps the high content of life-sustaining mineraland vitamin substances? or maybe - “butylphthalide”, a substance which relaxes and calms - an important pre-condition for good sex.

    More convincing: celeriac contains hormonlike substances, which are similar to those in human under-arm sweat, which function as pheromenes. Main effective substance: butylphthalid.

    to use as pheromene (does this mean to rub under-arm sweat or raw celeriac all overyour body?) use root; and stalk raw as vegetable or salad; leaves asspice.

    (in European cooking most meat and bone-soups’ “bouquet garnies”;contain a wedge of raw sellery root, but also parsley, thyme, one carrot,parsnip, then some cloves, peppercorns, bayleaf).

    from a Singaporean medical research site:

    Celery (Apium graveolens) is a vegetable that is commonly eaten inthe local diet. It has long been recommended in traditional Chinese medicine asa natural food cure for the cleansing of blood and treatment of hypertension(Lu, 1986).

    And here is a link to that cat video again - I do remember requesting as my first favourite when visiting home again after 10 years' absence, celeriac puree and my Mum was amazed but obliged me, anyway.


    P.S. If you are planning to use it like your friend, as a medicine on a regular basis, you need to check out its properties, as it can have a bad effect on things like bladder etc.
    ( I just remembered something about underarm sweat - but needs separate posts - have been reading up on religions superstitions of all kinds of people including the bushmen of the Kalahari, who use underarm sweat ritually to make their son their own, or similar, need to check it out.)

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