Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-37980

  1. 60,798 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    LOL doozy alright, she had the ability to lie with such a straight innocent face that you would question the evidence you had. Can only look back with amusement.

    The daughter didn't know that her father committed suicide at the time, if she found out it was only many years latter. Her father had another daughter and my son tells me the connected which is good.

    Yes things do sort of unfold, some times you change direction in life without necessarily having a destination. Other times you do have a destination but you end up some where else. When I worked on the prawn trawlers I was keen to get my skippers ticket, the skipper of the last trawler I worked on owned it and he was prepared to hand me the job of skippering it. I had yet turned 20 but had accumulated the required sea time so I went in to apply to do the course to get the skippers ticket. First thing is doing a colour blind test, turns out I am colour blind so that was the end of that. Did another 6 months on the trawler but did see myself have a future as a deck hand

    Having been high school drop out (age 14) and around boats most of my life in one way or another, in my mid/late 30's I got into University doing a commerce degree looking to get away from boats into a career in Marketing or Market Research.

    It was during that time that I got involved with the start of this business, while I was approach to do the install of these devices due to my experiance in boating, I look at it from a marketing perspective and saw it would be a challenge. The concept was great but it was a new innovative device with a high capital cost, I explained that to the guy and as he soon found out for himself. People would look at the device and say great idea but when told the cost it was like Nope.

    So I got to work on a marketing strategy to help him out while finishing my degree and applying for jobs in Marketing and Market Research, the Job market was pretty slim and had very little luck. My marketing strategy for the innovative device proved to get results and I was offered a 30% share of the business to be more hands on.

    At the time I was still trying to get away from boating and Marketing and Market Research but eventually I gave up and was working more or less full time in the business. Now while I got the business established, it was during the economic boom and in hindsight I would have made a lot more money if I had gone to work in the mines like every one else.

    Few years back my business partner was wanting me to buy a bigger share of the business and for him to retain a small share, I was not too keen and kept putting off making a decision. By that time I was considering selling out but the reality was I would have to get a job, having been more or less self employed for so long the prospect of of getting up and doing 9 to 5, 5 days a week, week after week was rather unappealing LOL

    It was a little daunting but made the decision to buy out my business partner completely, the idea of him retaining a small percentage didn't make sense, it would make it much simpler if I had 100%. Fortunately it has worked out

    Yeah you can't look at life and think of what you don't have and what you have missed out on, better to be grateful for the good experiences and what you have. Mind you some easier said than done for some people

    "He once told his own daughter that the reason he left her mother was because she (the daughter ) cried and he couldn’t stand it and he was worried he’d kill her." Seriously I find that a strange thing to say, yes seems like a disconnect in the understand.

    LOL best I finish my coffee and get some work done

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