Teeth, language and racial origins, page-974

  1. 12,281 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    Just started on this one really.

    My daughter has the ability to communicate with those that have passed. Unfortunately some experiences are not good so she has switched it off which is a shame. But she is young and needs to learn to develop and control this.

    Have used the sage a couple of times in the house to send away something she has struggled with.I kicked it's a** so to speak

    So my belief of there being something else after this life is certainly there.

    Thought I would start at the beginning of it all - spiritually anyway. Being scientific as I am I struggle to see how it fits into the universe.

    So the book The Key of Solomon was first. Though still in its raw language so hard to read. He lists all entities from Arc Angels to Angels to Demons, Dukes etc. Interesting how 72 seems to be prevalent. Could explain the 72 Virgins number haha

    The Liber Lilith Grimoire was studied and practiced by a German guy which after years drove him to insanity and suicide which is often the case when dealing with these things so intimately. It contains a journal he kept of his dealings with Lilith so really looking forward to getting to that part. Apparently Solomon's sigils for invoking Lilith is also there but I won't be entertaining that.

    I managed to download this -
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