The Best info about the virus here., page-6

  1. 7,867 Posts.
    actually not when seen as a compilation of headlines forming a timetable of the
    public information board:

    !! FIGU Corona-Virus Warning Service !!

    (0) 1-Mar-2020 - FIGU/SSSC - Visitor Restrictions

    (1) 21-Mar-2020 - FIGU - Corona Virus Warning Service

    (2) 26-Feb-2020 - What there is to say about the Corona-Virus and what there is to consider

    (3) 16-Mar-2020 - News about the Corona-Virus and what is rationally to be considered

    * 24-Mar-2020 - FIGU - BEAM Advice for all FIGU Groups

    (4) 30-Mar-2020 and (5) 2-Apr-2020 - New, vital information about the Corona-Virus and other interesting news

    (6) 7-Apr-2020 - FIGU - Interesting things and things Worth Knowing About Viruses and Bacteria

    (7) 17-Apr-2020 - FIGU - In times like these… outcoming effects of the Overpopulation

    (8) 17-Apr-2020 - What we now can already learn from the Corona-catastrophe

    (9) 19-Apr-2020 - FIGU - Further Important Information and Recommended Measures for the Current Situation

    (10) 23-Apr-2020 - What There is to Know, Among Other Things, About Wearing a Mask

    (11) 2-May-2020 - Important explanations from Ptaah in regard to the coronavirus and the function of the immune system

    (12) 9-May-2020 - Explanations from Ptaah about the background of the Corona pandemic and its true origin

    (13) 11-May-2020 - Face Masks: Tips for the Right Usage and Cleaning

    (14) 14-May-2020 - Where the Corona-Virus can Run Riot All Over the Body

    (15) 14-May-2020 - About the Maliciousness of the Coronavirus and the Actual Threat that Comes from it

    (16) 19-May-2020 - The Latest Modes of Behavior that Ptaah Recommends

    (17) 6-Jun-2020 - Information about further necessary modes of behavior and further information concerning the origin of the

    (18) 6-Jun-2020 - A thank you from Ptaah and the Plejaren generally to all human beings who act rationally and responsibly

    (19) 15-Jun-2020 - Special thanks from Ptaah

    (20) 15-Jun-2020 - Further information about necessary modes of behavior, which absolutely ought to be heeded

    (21) 29-Jun-2020 - End of June: Over 10 million infected ones worldwide! The first wave is only approaching its peak, contrary to alternative claims

    (22) 4-Jul-2020 - A Thank You Letter

    (23) 4-Jul-2020 - The relaxing which is now announced worldwide leads to a new wave of coronavirus infections as well as to many corona-deaths

    (24) 19-Jul-2020 - Damages, that the Corona-Virus can produce

    (25) 31-Jul-2020 - Further important recommendations regarding modes of behavior in view of the still rapidly rising first corona-wave

    (26) 3-Aug-2020 - Latest Corona-research cognitions of the Plejaren and about the Benefit of Sport

    Great for bi-linguists and budding polyglots among us.

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