mega magnetic wind turbine the look goods, page-17

  1. 103 Posts.
    if the quoted sums (by YC's article and fixators quick calc) are correct, then this is a massive game changer. thermal coal, solar, geothermal, CNM's underwater windpower-like thing, nuclear, they are all blown out of the water.

    coal seam gas would go, as would biofuels (both are being powered along by the higher and higher oil prices due to rapid oil depletion). all the cruddy little oilers that crowd the ASX would drop- cheap electricity and better batteries would make electric cars better economy than the current internal combustion engine, oil would be left to only make diesel for big machinery and aviation fuel.

    CFU with its heat-and-electricity-to-boot dealy might survive it. Current windpower producers would be well positioned to buy these installations (only because they have the experience of managing wind projects) but would also have to depreciate their current generation of wind turbines very substantially and quickly.

    i hope the central planning of china supports Zhongke Hengyuan and that the new socialism in Obama's USA sides with the Arizona mob before some very rich folks who stand to lose a mega motza work out how to derail these guys.

    thanks so much for posting this article yellowcake.
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