Qbiotics, page-52

  1. 184 Posts.
    Hey PC, yeah still around mate. Still check in from time to time, which means with this long term investment, may be a few years in between check ins. Near 20 years to get a drug to vet, prob another 5 to 8 for human. Prob 10 for WH1. With any luck I will still be alive to enjoy a pay day!

    I am aware of the early comments of TT distal effects and I get why there's some push back when someone suggests there isn't.

    Expanding a little further with a rough timeline:

    Animal case studies from day one to EU approval, localised resolution only.

    Human phase 1, hmm what's this, why did that fella disappear??? Dave did you inject that little fella you goose???

    Wait up lets go quiet on distal effects while we figure out what on earth is going on (Ricky in his address video linked earlier in thread and the one I think you are referring to "distal effects, cant talk about that" - prob not verbatim).

    Announcement, combination trial with MSD, distal effects.

    Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not?

    If TT has distal effects, why would we then do a combination trial? It does not make any sense if we have a standalone drug doing everything...

    Bizarre opinion, maybe to some. At the end of the day Rajen believe what you want to. Or you could pick up the phone and ask the probing questions yourself for some words from the horses mouth instead of relying on outdated announcements.

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