Loonies on the March, page-48

  1. 84,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    to me - there's a silver lining to this Covid business in Australia - and, that is


    public assembly by people who are making noise for whatever the hell they think they are making noise for

    that's a good thing - it doesn't matter what their cause is -------- Australia for a few decades has had a deafening silence from people - particularly young people on things political --

    IMO - to our great cost

    we have had decades of erosion of freedoms - all lost without a bloody squeak almost ------------- and, we see what the end result is so far - and, it ain't all that pretty.

    government has got away with move after move to remove freedoms - and, barely a shot fired ---------

    as I said before - charging for national parks ------- sure, you wouldn't think necessarily that that would be a game changer - but, it can be - the foot in the door

    I also remember that there was a clear fuss about food irradiation - then, it was knocked back and the issue went away - off the screen, off the front page

    guess what? --------- after everyone had gone off for a nanna nap snooze ----- it quietly slipped through parliament - and not a shot fired -
    so, you eat food that the government mandates will be treated - how you told them you did not want it treated

    then, of course came 9/11 - and, boy oh boy - didn't they love that for taking away freedoms and giving massive powers to the state and federal authorities

    there was the fencing off of pastoral properties and the convoluted mechanism that public had to travel on those leases - which the public owns - held in trust by the crown ----------- the pastoralist doesn't own the land - they just have a lease to run cows on it - nothing more - the excuse for fencing - so the cows don't go on the road - the excuse for locks on gates - to protect the pastorlists assets -------------- the cost ----- freedom of easy access

    then, the WA agricultural department recommended to government that pastoral leases not be renewed when their 99 year leases were up - which would have freed the country for all --------- nope - the WA government went against it's own department and renewed the leases for the elite few - that's another nail in the freedom coffin

    there was the gifting of land - public land to hydro power entities - who became rulers of their own right ----- who promptly denied access to the public - AND, in some cases - chopped up bits of the property - and SOLD it to the actual people who owned it - the public - how's that one?"

    hardly any of this brought the young out onto the streets in protest - the freedom just ebbed away like rain down a leaking gutter

    now - at least ------------ someone's awake ---------- it matters not if they are wrong, right or indifferent - at least - finally, they have woken
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