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CRO short term TA, page-81

  1. Dje
    1,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 410
    I have high hopes for this company if you are a long term investor don’t worry about the vitality in fact if it’s dip more I buy lot more,I reckon we see partnership comes with some local organisations in few weeks but real game changer will be the after merger Cirralto and Appstablishment company means more than 25000 merchants comes on board, no need to pay any one as they still paying Appstablishment on every transaction,All debt will be clean,Double the revenue, Multinational companies comes on board.
    Last edited by Dje: 15/09/20
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Mkt cap ! $41.53M
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0.9¢ 0.9¢ 0.9¢ $21.58K 2.398M

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11 3389209 0.9¢

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1.0¢ 6519391 20
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Last trade - 13.07pm 03/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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