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Final Countdown 2.0, page-29

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    From the AFR
    It was the question energy experts were asking themselves all week after the Morrison government threatened to build a 1000 megawatt gas-fired power station in the Hunter Valley in NSW if the private sector didn't step in to secure energy supply – why?
    After a decade of political infighting over energy and climate policy, the smart money should have been on Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Energy Minister Angus Taylor avoiding more intervention in the National Electricity Market.
    "They have invented their own crisis. It is all political smoke and mirrors," a former energy executive, who did not want to be named, tells AFR Weekend.
    "It used to be the Australian Energy Market Operator's responsibility to help find a shortfall in supply, now it's theirs. The government has bought themselves a problem."
    But for Morrison and Taylor, there is supposed to be method to their madness.
    Angus Taylor says the Morrison government is good on its threat to build its own gas-fired power station. Alex Ellinghausen
    The headstrong commitment to gas is as much about driving a manufacturing-led recovery in Australia following the coronavirus pandemic and economic recession than it is about appeasing the right wing of the Coalition to give up their dreams of a government-funded coal-fired power station.
    A decade ago, gas was touted as the transition fuel to a low-emissions economy before sky-high prices – partly due to the $80 billion LNG industry exporting most it offshore – killed off that plan.
    But falling international gas prices and more gas being diverted to the domestic market has allowed the Morrison government to jump back on the gas bandwagon.

    In theory, this allows it to revive the economy through promised lower gas and electricity prices for manufacturers as well as chart a political course to the next election, which could be as early as next year.
    It will also allow the Coalition to wedge the Labor party over gas – with sections of the party opposed to new onshore gas development.
    After the so-called climate wars claimed three prime ministers (Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Malcolm Turnbull), Morrison is trying to turn energy policy into a jobs creator rather than a destroyer, not to mention wean the Coalition off coal.
    As much as anything, the spruiking of gas by the Morrison government this week was a clear death knell for a new coal-fired power plant in Australia.
    The announcements showed Morrison isn't going to waste more taxpayers' money on appeasing some of the coal lovers in the Coalition party room. The only bone thrown to pro-coal supporters is $3.3 million of feasibility study funding for a coal-power plant in Collinsville in North Queensland that critics overwhelmingly say is unlikely to stack up.
    The clear message from the PM and Taylor is "gas ain't coal, but at least it ain't renewables".
    Hasty closure

    There was always going to be an issue with replacing the generation capacity from AGL Energy's 1600-megawatt Liddell coal-fired power station in NSW when it closed in 2023.
    Previous Coalition governments, including former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, had tried to heavy the listed energy giant into keeping the old coal-fired power station open to ensure reliable supply for Australia's biggest state. The last thing they wanted is a repeat of the hasty closure of the Hazelwood coal-fired power station in Victoria, which threatened reliability and sent prices soaring.
    Former AGL boss Andy Vesey politely told Turnbull and his then energy minister Josh Frydenberg to get stuffed. AGL plans to replace the 50-year-old Liddell plant largely with gas, solar and batteries – there was no way in the world they were going to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to keep the ageing plant open.
    Taylor commissioned his own department to come up with a report on the Liddell problem. It had then sat on the report since April waiting for this week's announcements.
    As part of the government's "energy week", they announced a suite of measures, including a $2.5 billion package to boost fuel security and keep the four oil refineries running; 13 measures to open up the east coast gas market including new gas basins, a trading hub and new pipeline as well as expanding the remit of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and Clean Energy Finance Corporation to include carbon capture and storage, and increase focus on hydrogen and green steel.
    Some of the changes, including broadening the focus of ARENA and the CEFC and more transmission infrastructure, have been welcomed by industry. But the threat of a government-backed gas-fired power station to be built by Snowy Hydro if the private sector doesn't invest by April next year was not. At least, it wasn't welcomed by electricity producers.
    The ultimatum sent shockwaves across the power industry, triggering blunt criticism of yet another egregious example of counter-productive government intervention in the sector that was likely only to deter private investors such as AGL and EnergyAustralia from finally moving ahead with their gas power plants.
    Multiple interventions

    Part of the reason those projects have been delayed is the market uncertainty caused by multiple interventions, including “big stick” pricing legislation, government underwriting of rivals’ gas plants, and the massive 2000MW Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro storage project looming in the wings.
    EnergyAustralia boss Catherine Tanna pointedly reminded governments this week that their job is to “enable the future energy system – they don’t have to build it”.
    “The energy system is one area where, with the right settings, the private sector will invest,” Tanna said.
    She pointed to AEMO’s estimate of the dispatchable power need in NSW at about 150MW when Liddell closes, a gap that would be covered by EnergyAustralia’s Tallawarra gas plant expansion in the Illawarra region and a planned upgrade at its Mt Piper plant near Lithgow.
    AGL is flagging an investment commitment by early 2021 for a gas power generator in Newcastle, a key part of its plan to replace Liddell capacity drawn up under pressure from the Turnbull government in 2017.
    Current chief executive Brett Redman was quick to emphasise this week AGL’s “full alignment” with the government’s aims to ensure secure and affordable energy. Redman also restated AGL’s only recent commitment to develop 850MW of battery storage across the eastern states by 2024, including at Liddell.
    "It is not a question of either batteries or gas, it has to be both,” he said.
    But Morrison and Taylor are clearly frustrated with ongoing delays by the majors to commit to their new gas plants, and are determined to head off an estimated 30 per cent spike in wholesale power prices when the coal plant closes, according to modelling in the report by the Liddell taskforce.
    Taylor bristles at suggestions the Snowy Hydro-built gas power plant is just another "big stick" threat, saying the private sector has had years to deliver their post-Liddell plans.
    "No, we'll do it, but we don't want to do it if we don't have to," he tells AFR Weekend. "There's been a lot of talk about Liddell and it's more than 1000 megawatts of capacity leaving and it has to be replaced. There is not a single megawatt committed and we're running out of time."
    Smaller deficit

    Taylor says the gas-fired power plant will be "as big as it needs to be" to fill the gap left after private sector commitments are put on the table.
    "This is an essential service that powers not only households and business, but major industry and they need to know they have the supply they need," he says.
    Critics have dismissed the 1000MW target as overkill, given the much smaller deficit advised only in late August by AEMO, which was not even serious enough to trigger the government’s own warning mechanism to spur investment in reliable power, the Retailer Reliability Obligation.
    "It’s as if the government is saying, well we put this policy in place but we are assuming it is going to fail',” says the Grattan Institute’s Tony Wood, pointing also to the several dispatchable power plants envisaged under Canberra’s underwriting scheme for new generation, which has also been effectively overridden by the new measures.
    “This is what markets are supposed to do – if something is old, breaks down and is closed, prices go up and markets respond by bringing on more supply if it is justified. The market would respond, except the government keeps stuffing it around.”
    However, industrial gas users struggling with high prices are fully on board with the government’s plan to increase gas supply on the east coast, although there is concern most of the 13 measures outlined would take years to bear fruit.
    Plans to open up new gas basins in the Northern Territory and remote Queensland, build new pipelines to connect them and introduce a system to reserve a portion of gas for local use can only have a long-term impact on supply if the gas proves to be commercial.
    Petrochemicals maker Qenos is one of several industrial gas buyers which have seized on the plan as a step towards creating the sort of renaissance enjoyed by manufacturers in the US on the back of cheap shale gas.
    Critics, however, point to the nascent stage of shale exploration here that make that a forlorn hope and voice broader doubts about the government’s gas-led economic recovery plan.
    In the government’s camp

    More immediately, manufacturers’ hopes are pinned on the federal government’s commitment to adjust its domestic supply agreement with Queensland’s three LNG exporters to include a reference to price.
    Frustrated by seeing Australian LNG sold off cheaply in Asia, Qenos, Incitec Pivot, Brickworks and others are calling for the revised deal to include a reference to the US Henry Hub gas price to ensure competitive east coast prices.
    Electricity users are also firmly in the government’s camp. Matt Howell, chief executive of Tomago Aluminium, the country’s largest power user, says the government’s move has effectively assured a future for the 1800 direct and indirect jobs connected with the smelter north of Newcastle.
    “The problem hasn’t been solved with one simple announcement but we’ve made a major step forward,” Howell tells AFR Weekend.
    “I don’t think anybody can deny that the closure of Liddell without like-for-like replacement would leave a hole in the peak summer demand months. With this announcement very clearly we can say, look, the smelter has got a long-term future because the closure of Liddell will not impact reliability of power supply.”
    While tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is exploring whether mega-batteries can fill the gap instead of gas, Howell says the idea of batteries fuelling Tomago is nonsense: the much-hyped 50 per cent expansion of the Tesla “big battery” in South Australia could now power the smelter for 12 minutes, instead of eight.
    “There is no aluminium smelter anywhere in the world that relies on batteries and I don’t think there ever will be,” Howell says.
    Renewable advocates, such as Cannon-Brookes, scoff at the "gas as the saviour" messaging from the federal government, saying wind and solar are cheap and effective and are the future of the National Electricity Market. Cannon-Brookes was pushing his $25 billion green jobs plan this week as an alternative.
    The federal government’s initiatives on refining and security of supply of petrol and diesel have also washed well with fuel users and motorists, although have yielded no immediate promises from the country’s four refinery owners on the future of their plants.
    But it's just another piece in the puzzle of boosting Australia's self-sufficiency, which ties with the Morrison government's manufacturing-led recovery.
    Morrison wants to use energy policy as a vote-winner, rather than a burden which has brought down other political leaders.
    Meanwhile, the wave of energy announcements is not over, with further news expected as early as next week on the final version of the government’s technology road map for reducing emissions.
    For some, the piecemeal announcements are no substitute for what many within the industry and beyond have been calling for since getting so close with the National Energy Guarantee, and before that Chief Scientist Alan Finkel's Clean Energy Target: an integrated long-term climate and energy policy framework.
    “This is all very well but you still need an energy policy,” says one well-connected senior energy insider.
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