Dans Goon Show.

  1. 3,095 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38

    Why hasn’t Daniel Andrews and his motley crew been booted or resigned?

    This moron and the clowns / goon show he ‘leads; is responsible for:
    - 700 + deaths in his state;
    - 90 % of deaths in Australia;
    - Victorians being effectively locked up 23/24 per hour each day;
    - destruction of thousands of small businesses and subsequent economic harm across the Victorian community - the effects of Dans quarantine cockup will be felt over generations;
    - ministers turning up at his woke enquiry stating they have no idea who decided to employ public guards - it’s obvious Dan decided or manipulated arrangements.
    - handcuffing pregnant mothers in front of their children.
    - allowing and enabling the ‘Black’ protest to go ahead with no consequences for the organisers thereby enabling the virus to be spread.

    Every other Australian state is fine and has done an exceptional job except for Andrews goon show.

    The mess and destruction that has happened in Victoria is unbelievable - and it is solely due to Dan and his incompetent goons.
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