Can we believe the Bible?, page-56

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "It is said that Christ rose from the dead after 3 days. We know the dead do not rise."

    Do we also know that it is absolutely impossible for an exceptional "Son of God" to establish an unusual temporary bond of communication with his closest disciples via the essential "life force" in his blood ... for a short time after death of the physical body ?

    This is not "rising from the dead" but perhaps a bond that consciously survives physical death and is able to manifest as a temporary "bridge" between this "reality" and the next level.
    Some accounts say that this form of Jesus continued to teach his closest for 40 days before the bond finally dissipated.
    Who knows ?

    "The reality of Christ was His word, His teachings. After 3 days of grief and anguish the disciples gathered themselves and began to teach again as they had been taught and this was Christ rising from the grave. This is what is meant by rising from death after 3 days."

    This is pure conjecture. Why 3 days ? The shock of the death of their beloved Master would not dissipate in 3 days.
    In any case there is no reason to claim the disciples beginning their own independent but related teaching of their own pupils would be documented as Jesus "Rising from the dead."

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