BRN 0.00% 33.0¢ brainchip holdings ltd

2020 BRN Discussion, page-13860

  1. 631 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 74
    anything can happen, l just like the fact we are over there in some way India, also so many things could be happening that we do not know about yet
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Mkt cap ! $650.9M
Open High Low Value Volume
32.5¢ 33.0¢ 32.5¢ $134.3K 412.3K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
13 349062 32.5¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
33.0¢ 329519 13
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Last trade - 10.05am 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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