42 billion aus stimulus, page-180

  1. s8
    7,757 Posts.



    Posted by The GetUp Team, February 5th, 2009

    The hot debate over the Government's stimulus package this week is an example of the opportunities the issue creates for campaigners: cross-bench Senators Nick Xenophon, Steve Fielding and the Greens are in a key balance of power posittion to amend, pass or block the $42bn stimulus package.

    With tough times ahead and Government spending at unprecedented levels, you've told us that the progressive community has an opportunity to stand up for economic fairness and investment in a renewable energy future.

    We asked GetUp members "Do you have any thoughts on how the Australian Government should respond to the global financial crisis?". Here are a handful of replies:

    "Pork-barreling is a big temptation when there's a government spending binge. Government should be extremely careful to spend the money in ways that will serve Australia's economic interests not just electoral or political interests."

    "Any stimulus package should have direct environmental and social benefits, not just encourage spending on consumables. It should be adding to the incentive packages for renewable energy and retrofitting inefficient houses; for public transport infrastructure/redesign of urban planning, particularly for the 'urban sprawl' residents; resources and programs for the disadvantaged."

    "Have a complete re-think of the current economic model/mindset we use. We have to reverse our consume-spend-produce trend. Expecting constant and regular growth is unrealistic. Continuing to stimulate an economy through consuming is counter productive to all climate change/environmental strategies."

    "With a big GREEN stimulus package like Obama is undertaking in the US. It is the perfect opportunity to put some money into renewable energy and greening buildings etc"

    "...I think we need to be careful about the concept of workers rights. I think no worker has the right to insist on working in an industry that will do countless damage to our environment and future generations. We need to get beyond the simple discussion and build new industries."

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