PUA 25.0% 0.3¢ peak minerals limited

"sell" the sizzle

  1. 4,333 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 383
    I think most on this site agree that HEG has enormous potential...that's the "reality" of it.

    BUT the "perception" is somewhat different and whether we like it or not, PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

    HEG's perception in the market is obviously far less than the reality...the low price suggests so. It is as if we fly under the radar continually.

    Yes, yes, I know this is a hobby horse of mine but I genuinely believe that the Directors could do a lot to raise the markets perception.

    HEG is like a beautiful teenage girl but the diretors (unknowingly I suspect) dress her down so that when she goes to the dance she isn't presented in her best light. So all the studs (instos) get their dancing gigs with the other "darlings".

    I don't want to be a HEG wall-flower anymore and its the Directors who must dress her up so the studs take notice.

    Now before you jump in and say...all the juniors are the same...I beg to differ.

    I say it is the directors duty to raise the perception (legally and factually of course)

    Yes, they present "dense" reports that only a third year geologist or better will comprehend...and thank god we have Opaline there to add some simple english understanding.

    I say its time for the directors to add some pizzaz...get a PR company if necessary.

    Now let me refer you to the recent 5B issued by IGR; it's really worth having a look at to see just how they "dress it up".

    Is it any wonder that they won "Explorer of the year" award in the best of the best awards?

    Do you think they might have done something procactive to win that award?

    No-brainer guys...the answer is YES.

    Clearly they are stage managing their PERCEPTION.

    And here's a snippet from their quarterly report and you tell me whether they are talking to the geo-geeks or the common clay of ordinary shareholders:

    "While the Company has necessarily responded to the global crisis by reducing costs wherever possible, the December Quarter has not been completely overshadowed by the continuing global financial crisis.

    Had Integra sent a wish list to the North Pole in early December it would have included:
    �� A higher A$ gold price;
    �� Lower fuel prices;
    �� Lower steel prices;
    �� Greater availability of geologists, engineers and skilled trades people;
    �� Greater availability of drill rigs;
    �� Reduced contractor costs in a more competitive environment; and
    �� Ready access to capital markets.

    (Great quote which HEG shareholders should note as well)

    Final Point: IGR are managing their perception...and HEG isn't and if HEG isn't, who is? Answer: the market because it doesn't know just how good HEG is until we really stand up and TELL THEM!

    Anyhow...I'm off the soapbox now!

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