TVN 0.00% 11.0¢ tivan limited

Ann: TNG to undertake $12.5M Entitlement Issue, page-143

  1. 4,845 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3312
    Sparta AG/Deutsch Balaton?
    Another 10% of the company at 10c SP would be attractive at this stage of project development - if they are a proxy.

    By the way this is interesting

    Weaning Batteries Off Cobalt
    The promise that a long-lifetime, high-energy battery holds for the EV sector is huge. Consumers will be able to move around with low- or zero-cobalt batteries thanks to companies like Samsung and Volkswagen, just to name a few. A study by the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology has demonstrated the advantage in reducing voltage degradation when cycling 2032 coin-type cells manufactured with a vanadium-modified Li1.48Ni0.225Co0.15Mn0.625O2 cathode formulation. And as for the Li-ion technology in R&D at the Volkswagen labs, the target includes a cell energy density of around 800 Wh/L with a Li-rich NVM (N: nickel, V: vanadium, M: manganese) battery cathode by 2025.
    Last edited by Propunter2: 20/10/20
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11.5¢ 11.5¢ 10.8¢ $150.2K 1.338M

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10 371622 10.5¢

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11.0¢ 49998 1
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