monday may be a blood bath, page-14

  1. 338 Posts.
    Couldnt agree with you more Frankie.
    I sold everything ( at a small profit) and am following your guidance from now on

    You tell it the way it is and thats why I have a make believe picture of you on my wall, and ceiling and in my wallet.. it depicts a great knight slaying the capitalist dragon.

    Its going to be really really ugly Frankie, markets will be a bloodbath, and there will be total anarchy and only you called it Frankie.

    myself Frankie I see it worse than that, I see global communism approaching.. Capitalism is dead.. I can see nationalisation for every bank, and stock markets only being open on fridays...I see the wiggles offering the solution of salavation in the wiggle dance and I think if the global population syncs it together at 11.39 and 32 seconds on the 3 rd day of the new moon ,we can start a new beginning.

    Im right behind you frankie, these buggers just wont listen will they...
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