The Chinese are coming:, page-2

  1. 22,419 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769

    One of China's "Made in China 2025" programs features automotive and with the market
    expected to trend towards EV plug-ins, China is very well positioned to gain
    global dominence in this sector, IMO.

    The big market for EVs ultimately is in the bottom price end of the market
    and China will likely accommodate with Yaris sized EVs @ $10K/pop.

    This will present economic problems to Comm Gov (collection of fuel excise & GST)
    and States' rego based on no of cylinders.

    Perhaps the fairest vehicle taxation strategy would be a mileage levy?

    At present Western EV manufacturers are charging a premium for EVs
    when logically it should be the other way around but I guess we'll have
    to wait until there is an "economy of scale" for that to happen. This seems
    to be justified because of battery expense.

    The manufactire of EVs is more automated than internal combustion
    models due less finicky moving parts including transmissions.

    In the interim, the dramatic drop in oil pricing is fuelling the demand
    for internal combustion models,
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