indices, commodity and currency tips 2010, page-4

  1. 338 Posts.
    All Ords (points) 4300
    Dow (points) 8450
    $AUD/US 0.068
    GOLD ($US/oz) $1050
    OIL ($US/barrel) $70.00
    Official Cash Rate (%) 3

    Interesting to see the last 2 stats from the posters with Oil up to $60 ,70 pb in their view.. but both ASX and down to 15 -18 year lows.

    If oil is up to $ 60-70 PB There is no way on this earth the Markets will be at 15-20 lows. It just does not compute. That in itself will have meant inflation is rearing its head and there is no chance of any market falling below inflation..
    Typical depressed views me thinks from depressed posters on the market and oil punted in on a it must be higher afterthought...

    Myself, I see the above set of stats erring on the low side.
    Everyone has their view and thats good to see.
    Plain to see ATM its the view of negativity though.
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