Trump wins 2020 election ,he will win in court., page-86

  1. 2,078 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    Everyone who wasn't watching Fox News knew this was going to happen. The guy is a narcissist, he hates losing, if there is the possibility of losing he sues people as they often don't have the funds to fight a costly legal battle. This is well known and reported on even back in 2016, however was buried because it was 'left wing' bs according to some.

    Even after the last 4 years, 70 million Americans still voted for him.

    Someone within his team (it wouldn't have been him) knew that there was the real possibility of the race being somewhat tight. Trump therefore started his campaign MONTHS ago AGAINST mail in ballots. He planted the seed in his supporters minds that mail in ballots = fraud.

    Surprise surprise a lot of his voter base therefore didn't vote by mail, if you support Trump then you support what he says, therefore they avoided mail in ballots. Also if you support Trump you also likely don't care a whole lot about COVID and are therefore more likely to turn up to the polls on election day.

    Trump is then ahead on election day as most predicted (yes they predicted him ahead on the day or at least the start, until mail in ballots came in), goes ahead and claims he won when he really didn't, and then plants the seeds in his supporters minds that if he loses (from the point at which he made his speech claiming he won), then it must be democrat corruption with mail in ballots and them 'finding ballot boxes at 4am', which then would steal the election from him.

    A lot of his supporters all over social media then believe this. This was setup and calculated clear as day, its why there were many articles last week saying 'what happens if trump doesn't accept the election results?', and he was even asked directly this on Fox News (its on youtube).

    Trump then does what Trump has done all his life, goes the litigation route, but now he is up against his biggest challenge yet, democracy, he must go through the courts to prove his comments.

    Trump has over 20,000 recorded lies during his presidency but has never really had to back them up with facts. Now he and his team must produce the facts and the evidence which he claims. He cannot simply strongarm this one.

    I don't know what I expected from a draft dodging pussy grabber, but considering he claimed soldiers who died in war are 'losers' and 'suckers', I think its only fair to say that Trump right now is acting like a 'loser' and a 'sucker'

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