ECT 0.00% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

coldry plant push, page-15

  1. 6,284 Posts.
    The Greater Melbourne metropolitan area including industry ( industry using the majority of water consumed and I do mean majority ) consumes 700 megalitres of water per day.

    I 20 mil tonne p/a Coldry plant will recover as much as 35 megalitres of distilled water per day.

    I doubt that a desalination plant would prove viable by comparison, considering the environmental impacts involved with such an energy consuming project .

    When you consider the distilled water in the Coldry process is a by product to an environmental emissions (coal clean up) solution....well it all depends on what the politicians have sunk their pennies into..doesn't it..

    They were mesmerised by the big backing wec concept at a time when the old school esi money grubbers were abusing everything they touched for their own gain.

    As long as their ( pollies AND old schoolers ) portfolios don't suffer,, what would they care about ''superior efficiencies'' unless the media embarrasses them...heaven forbid :~0
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