rents, page-33

  1. 2,086 Posts.

    " sorry you child is a slob Ram i never ask for anything from my parents...but i guess thats what u get these days most young kids they think stuff it why buy a house its too expensive ill stay home and go out partying and play video games..."

    Unfortunatley, your words ring only too true. No point blaming the Baby Boomers though...they've done the hard yards, and they did it a lot tougher than any of the youth do it today. They deserve the fruits of their labours.

    Theirs was a different world, where sacrifices were made to get ahead, where money wasn't thrown away on computer games, nintendos, alcohol binges, parties, drugs, IPods, cars, plasmas, mobile phones...where if someone wanted something they saved, and they worked hard to save that money....they didn't just whack it on plastic and worry about it later.

    I am in my mid thirties, so I am much closer to your age than I am to the baby boomers. What I can say of my life experiences is that whilst I was studying hard, working part-time, and enjoying social occasions responsibly, most of my friends were either pissing up their week's wages against a wall, smoking or sniffing something, or spending their hard earned travelling. Spending hundreds of dollars on computer games so they could waste away in front of a screen for hours never seemed to be an issue, nor the tens of thousands spent on a car that they really shouldn't have been driving. Myself on the other hand, I chose to wait. I chose to work hard first and go without, knowing that the rewards would come my way...and they did. Now I have security and comfort. I have more than I need, I have done many of the things that I have wanted to do, and accomplished most of the goals I had set for myself...all of which are a consequence of my patience and efforts. The world doesn't owe anyone anything...if someone wants something, then they need to go out and do the things that they need to do to get it.

    Australia is the most prosperous nation in the world. If the youth of this nation can't make something of themselves in this very lucky country, then they need to look very closely at themselves and reassess the priorities they have in life, and somewhere in that, they need to learn what sacrifice and disicpline mean.

    The only thing the baby boomers got wrong in my opinion is that they made life too easy for their children, and I'm not so sure one can really be critical of them for that. They just wanted to spare their children the hardships that they themselves endured.

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