BRN 0.00% 33.0¢ brainchip holdings ltd

Ann: Completion of Akida Production Design, page-213

  1. 10,564 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29435
    Yes you are missing something and that is scientific rigor or scientific credibility.

    Brainchip has a world leading gastric cancer specialist and Nobel Laurette on its Scientific Advisory Panel and as such to maximise the stature of an announcement regarding the development of AKIDA technology for the detection of disease (in this case Covid-19 but it will work for many others) Peter van der Made, Anil Mankar and the Head of the Scientific Advisory Panel Adam Osseiran are applying full blown medical research ethics.

    You may remember that the company is intending to have the research paper published in a prestigious medical research journal not something like *. These types of journals do not accept papers for publications unless they are properly compliant with best scientific and medical ethical research practice.

    This type of publication of the paper will open doors all the way through the medical profession right up to the World Health Organisation and beyond.

    It will be worth the wait in my opinion.

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