CGB 0.00% 2.1¢ cann global limited

Ann: $3.75M Raised in Share Placement, page-85

  1. 727 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 407
    OK. I see 4.3c immediately if 1.9c breaks.

    see around 9c within 2 years safe. may spike up to 15c at the high.

    Loooking very strong. Not sure what they;ve been cooking. Maybe the canntab stuff goes out and sells like mad.

    My system predicts a BIG NEWS in AUGUST/ September. It's not super precise one big time frames.

    Well this looks like a hold.

    GL all.
    Last edited by NZtrader369: 10/12/20
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Currently unlisted public company.

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