Today's Gestapo news, page-2

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    Ahh, tyranny, the gift that never stops giving.

    Cpl. Joshua Walker is a reservist in theCanadian Armed Forces. He and his girlfriend, Samantha-Lynn Johnson,were at the Upper Canada Mall in Newmarket, Ont., doing some Christmasshopping.

    They were both wearing their masks.

    Then Joshua stopped by the food court to get abite to eat.

    Pretty normal, right?

    But then mall security told him that wasagainst the law — he wasn't allowed to eat in the food court.

    Then Samantha arrived at the food court and thesecurity guards and the couple began to exchange words.

    That's when security ordered them out of the food courtand out of the entire mall. But just them — which is odd, since otherpeople were eating in the food court too.

    Joshua and Samantha-Lynn complied with theorders to leave and started to walk out of the mall. They moved at afair pace, considering that Samantha-Lynn is pregnant.

    At first, they were actually laughing about it.They couldn’t believe it. They were more stunned thanupset.

    But then three angry securityguards started marching right behind them — so close, it wasstrange. It wasn’t funny anymore.

    And then the security guards grabbed Joshua as he was walking —that’s assault.

    Joshua didn’t push or shove back. He just said,“don’t put your hands on me.”

    He said it three times, but the securityguards kept assaulting him, even though he and his girlfriendwere indeed walking out of the mall.

    And then — as if the security guards justsnapped — they all stomped onhim. They jumped him. They pounced on him. Three, thenfour, then more.

    They crushed him. They injured him so badly hehad to go to the hospital!

    And through it all, Joshua never hit back. He’sstrong — he’s in the Canadian Armed Forces. But never once did hefight back, even though he had the right to do so inself-defence.

    Why did this happen? Joshua and Samantha-Lynnhad their masks on.

    But the story gets crazier: when the policefinally showed up, they arrested Joshua — and charged him withassault! Him!

    You might find this hard to believe — but hereit is, all caught on video. See for yourself:

    What anoutrage. And it doesn’t even make any sense.Even as the security guards were pummelling him, Joshua actually hadhis mask on — but one of the security guards didn’t!

    Why did they single out Joshua and his pregnantgirlfriend?

    Why did they attack him when he was alreadyleaving?

    Why did police side with the attackers, insteadof the victim?

    And why is Upper Canada Mall treating Joshualike a villain, instead of thanking him for his service, and payinghim the respect any member of our military deserves?

    Why did the mall security pummel him, when he was already complying with their bizarre order to leave? Incredibly, the mall is digging in their heels — not only do they refuse to apologize, they’re actually smearing him in the media!

    This mask business has gone toofar. Security guards are out ofcontrol. It’s madness. And in this case, there might evenbe an extra edge to it — why did security single out the one black manin the food court?

    Few people seem to care about civil libertiesthese days — anything is permitted in the name of thelockdown. Even though Joshua had a mask on, they beat himup anyway.

    Help us help Joshua. As he says, if we don’tfight back today, other people will go through something like thistoo.

    Anyone who supports masks and lockdowns is supporting this global tyranny. it is after all, the real reason all of this is going on.

    ""The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa"

    Looks like that's where we're at.

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